Nice wallet

Easy peasy ! Fingers in the nose! ….as a piece of pie…

Loved to sew that wallet. The best part was choosing the fabric.

I followed a very convenient, well-conceived, explained, detailed step-by-step on the net. You can have a look here:

The result was beyond what I expected, and for once, I took time to focus and care about the last tiny details that matter !

2015-06-12 09.37.03

2015-06-12 09.35.44

2015-06-12 09.35.04

2015-06-12 09.34.46

7 réflexions sur “Nice wallet

    • merci The French Door!
      C’est un cadeau d’anniversaire pour ma mère (du 28 février) que je finis juste maintenant…ça valait le coup d’attendre! J’epère que ta GNO était top !
      le spectacle de fin d’année était cute avec beaucoup de rythme et de fun… Le repas sorti du sac entre parents: un désastre; les mêmes parents que d’habitude sont restés, Ceux que tu connais;)
      sinon,pas de coupe dans les toilettes: je m’en réjouis!


      • I also joined International Night.It was awAonme!eccsrdiog to Hiro,It has many kind of food, many culutual things, much traditional program, and so on. I could feel many things. One of the most exciting program for me was dancing with ELI students and CAs! I thought I have hapiness to can relate with many county people. I will go back to Japan on December 22nd.I miss everything to experience in Vancouver.I would like to come back to Vancouver. Thank you everyone!


    • WOW, thanks. I remember our time together at Stoneridge Mall it was a great time… we had some zingers to work with Larry and Zoila make me laugh and cry, too. I wish I could go back in time and right some wr8ons&#g230; but that is what makes me (and you) who we are. Thanks for stopping by and following along!


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